How to reserve free Windows 10 upgrade now !

Microsoft will make available Windows 10 on July 29. Windows 10 will be free for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 Devices. You can reserve your free upgrade of Windows 10 to make upgrade on your Computer easier and faster on July 29th!

Eligibility criteria for free upgrade

  1. Your device is running genuine copy of Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1
  2. Your device is compatible with Windows 10. You can check Windows 10 Specifications for more details

Reserve your free upgrade

You need to update your device to latest Windows Updates to get Get Windows 10 App installed on your device Once you update your computer, you will notice 'Get Windows 10' App as Windows icon in taskbar on lower right side of your screen

Follow below steps to reserve your free upgrade

  1. Click on 'Get Windows 10' icon in taskbar on bottom right side of your screen
  2. Click 'Reserve your free upgrade' when prompted
  3. Enter your e-mail address if you want confirmation of reservation on e-mail

And your free Windows 10 upgrade is reserved now!

Once you reserve your upgrade, Windows 10 update files will be pre-downloaded to your computer between now and July 29th, and your upgrade will be faster on July 29th

Visit Upgrade to Windows 10 for free for more details!